Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Deception vs. Skepticism

Why is that some people think I'm lying when I tell them that I haven't had a cigarette in X number of days. It's not like I can hide the smell of cigarettes if I did happen to smoke, BUT I HAVEN'T. People are so good about annoyingly telling me that I smoke too much. Then when I tell them I've quit, it turns to, "oh sure" or "yeah, right."

I'd be ok with, "again?" or "How many times does this make?" Skepticism, sarcasm, derision are all fine by me. Odds are I'll probably fall off the wagon again. But as long as I can convince myself that I'm giving my body a break, or that this time it's for real, even if it doesn't turn out to be, just say "good for you!"

Just don't call me a liar.

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